ELM Individual Counseling


Kelle Greeson MA, LPCC, CWC

Kelle Greeson MA, LPCC, CWC


One Step At A Time
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Nature Heals

Nature Improves Psychological Well-Being

  • Nature helps in emotional regulation and improves memory functions. A study on the cognitive benefits of nature found that subjects who took a nature walk did better on a memory test than the subjects who walked down the urban streets (Berman, Jonides, Kaplan, 2008).
  • Nature walks benefit people suffering from depression (Shern et al., 2014). Studies had shown that people suffering from mild to major depressive disorders showed significant mood upliftments when exposed to nature. Not only that, but they also felt more motivated and energized to recover and get back to normalcy (Berman, Kross, Kaplan, 2012).
  • Recent investigations revealed that being outdoor reduces stress by lowering the stress hormone cortisol. Besides that, it also makes us immune to allied problems like hypertension and tachycardia (Lee J, 2011).
  • Nature walks and other outdoor activities build attention and focus (Hartig, 1991). There are pieces of evidence that indicate strong environmental connections to be related to better performance, heightened concentration, and reduced chances of developing Attention Deficit Disorder.
  • A study at the University of Kansas found that spending more time outdoors and less time with our electronic devices can increase our problem-solving skills and improve creative abilities.

The Importance of Nature to Well-Being

5 Ways to Apply the Positive Effects of Nature in Our Life

1. Walk more

2. Keep a nature journal

3. Spend some working hours outside

4. Plant at home

5. Balance the diet with more natural elements

A Take-Home Message:

Time to Revisit the Greek Concepts of Well Being
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Why does remeron make you gain weight

Outside of the cause of the weight gain being attributed to depression itself or its success of treatment, the most plausible cause is Amitriptyline’s ability to block Histamine receptors. :( Just wanted to vent Summary Common side effects of Remeron include: severe sedation, constipation, drowsiness, increased serum cholesterol, weight gain, fatigue, insomnia, increased appetite, xerostomia, and decreased appetite hello Salty, yes. The rationale of this study buy real prednisone online was that mirtazapine is suspected to induce weight gain in a substantial number of individuals, which is, in the light of their increased risk of converting to type 2 diabetes or hyperlipidemia, an important clinical issue. Weight Gain—Causes Added Worry with Psych Meds. Even my face was bloated with water. Depression itself can also affect your activity levels, food choices, and sleep habits—all of which affect weight. I was put on mirtazapine to help with insomnia and it worked amazingly for sleep. However, the mechanisms behind the alterations in weight seen with both short and long-term. Well, i will like to address your question since you have chosen not to go with the above expert's answer. It has turned my life around for the better cause weight gain, makes it a good option to address the insomnia, anorexia, and weight loss that often accompany depression in older adults. Remeron had shown to increase appetite and cause weight gain than other medications available in the market. Rapid Weight Gain During Mirtazapine Treatment. And yes, there are reports that Remeron does lower your metabolism a little bit, most likely because you feel calmer, and sleep better. The a good half of it was water. At the same time, fat mass gain and serum leptin levels are related variables Side effects: Another reason people likely gain weight on Remeron is that it can make certain individuals feel drowsy or fatigued. I stopped to take them after 4 weeks and 24 pounds more weight! For me, the feeling of excessive hunger subsided after being on Mirtazapine (Remeron) for a month. Try to eat a healthy balanced diet without increasing your portion sizes. I only started this tablet 6 weeks ago along with citalopram, 5mg of mirtazapine and 40 mg of citalopram. Problem is that they are addictive Several theories suggest a link between an increase in weight and Elavil use. You CAN lose weight on mirtazapine, but it is much harder than if you are why does remeron make you gain weight not on it. Remeron is available as a generic under the name mirtazapine. If you feel more fatigued than usual, you’re probably less likely to exercise and get adequate physical activity to keep your metabolism up No, it does not always cause weight gain and increased appetite; however, those are very common side effects. Problem is that they are addictive I stopped to take them after 4 weeks and 24 pounds more weight! However I ended up gaining a stone in the four months I was taking it. By eating only a starchy carbohydrate, like pasta or a large baked potato along with vegetables for dinner.

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Weight gain associated with mir-tazapine treatment has been reported and may be accounted for by its effects on 5HT 2C and H 1 receptors. Remeron made me put on weight plus I felt and looked like a pregnant woman. But with some meds, it seems like you have to burn twice as many as you take in. I also cannot sleep and need sleeping pills. After the groggy ness wears off you start to feel very. Avoid alcohol The most common side effects from Remeron are: 1 Dry mouth Sleepiness Increased appetite and weight gain Severe Side Effects Very rarely, Remeron may cause serious symptoms. Increased appetite and weight gain mirtazapine can make you hungrier so it can be quite a challenge to stop yourself putting on weight. Side effects that you should report to your doctor or health care professional as soon as possible: allergic reactions like skin rash, itching or hives, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue breathing problems confusion fever, sore throat, or mouth ulcers or blisters. Cause weight gain, makes it a good option to address the insomnia, anorexia, and weight loss that often accompany depression in older adults. They help me sleep for first 3 hours then im awake all night. Alterations in weight are frequently encountered side effects when it comes to depression and its treatments. Mirtazapine has multiple pharmacological actions that contribute to its effects on sleep. It is unclear whether tolerance develops to Remeron's sedating effect. Thus, Remeron and weight gain resulting from food cravings is still an issue that why does remeron make you gain weight requires further investigation. 5 kg in 1 week of mirtazapine therapy is much faster than has been reported in the liter-ature. Weight gain and metabolic changes during treatment with antidepressant drugs have emerged as an important concern, particularly in long-term treatment. I had to get myself off this stuff! It is an antidepressant so it does effect your brain chemistry which in turn controls your body’s functions. Problem is that they are addictive But if you are looking only to maintain - they say the key is to burn as many calories as you take in. However, compared to TCAs, Remeron shows less li. Before being put on Remeron, I gained 6 pounds in about a month because of the depressive state I was in from my PTSD. But it wasn't just fat I had gained. So, as the medication begins to reduce feelings of depression, these behaviors can also change. Experiencing weight gain as a side effect of antidepressants is very common and distressing. I hadn't been sleeping that well after the last increase to 45mg at night It is unclear whether tolerance develops to Remeron's sedating effect. It has turned my life around for the better.. Fat Mass Increase And Hormone Levels Some antidepressants, including Mirtazapine, can contribute to extra pounds due to fat mass increase. But it makes you so groggy and so exhausted the next day. Clozapine- and olanzapine-treated patients can gain on average 4. This action is linked with an increase in appetite Gaining weight isn't really space research. Medications for schizophrenia why does remeron make you gain weight are why does remeron make you gain weight known to result in significant weight gain. I decided that for me, I would rather sleep badly again than gain anymore weight and so I tapered myself off of mirtazapine. My question was though does it increase appetite or cause weight gain just by taking the tablet Conclusion: Mirtazapine affected my weight by increasing my appetite AND by some other means, probably slowing my metabolism and interfering with my fat burning process.

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As these behaviors change, why does remeron make you gain weight you may find that you gain or lose weight cause weight gain, makes it a good option to address the insomnia, anorexia, and weight loss that often accompany depression in older adults. It produces its antidepressant effects primarily by antagonizing alpha 2 adrenergic receptors. It is commonly known among people that taking antidepressant drugs, including Amitriptyline (Elavil), can be associated with weight gain. I'm really self-conscious of why does remeron make you gain weight the weight gain and I'm afraid to keep moving on with the treatment especially if I'm expected to gain weight this fast. Patients may even stop their medication because they have gained so much weight. And it’s almost like a crash. If you are between the ages of 18 and 60, take no other medication or have no other buy amaryl online cheap medical conditions, side effects you are more likely to experience include: Sedation, which may affect your ability to drive or operate machinery. 1The most frequently reported side effects of mirtazapine. Rapid Weight Gain During Mirtazapine Treatment To the Editor:Mirtazapine is a novel antidepressant with a mechanism that enhances serotonergic and nor- adrenergic neurotransmission by blocking presynaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors and postsyn- aptic serotonin 5HT 2and 5HT 3 receptors. It is still a matter of ongoing debate whether weight gain and metabolic perturbations with antidepressant use are the consequence of increased appetite and weight gain, respectively, or represents direct pharmacological effects of the drug on. The patient’s rapid weight gain of 6. But the most side effect of Remeron was, that it made me very jittery and it put me on a really terrible "stinking mood trip" right away from the beginning! Not only that, put I read about TONS of people having increased, uncureable hunger from Remeron. We report 4 major findings Weight gain associated with mir-tazapine treatment has been reported and may be accounted for by its effects on 5HT 2C and H 1 receptors. It has been prescribed to people with anorexic who may be hospitalized and need to why does remeron make you gain weight put on weight fat fast. May cause orthostatic hypotension (a significant drop in blood pressure when going from a sitting to a standing position). Enter your email address below and we will send you the reset instructions. May cause weight gain, an increase in cholesterol levels, an elevation of liver enzymes, and very rarely, seizures Remeron had shown to increase appetite and cause weight gain than other medications available in the market. I think they mess with our metabolism big time. Those that cause weight gain may stimulate the appetite instead. Nonetheless, there is considerable variability in the proportion of individuals that will experience weight gain Histamine-1 (H1) receptor blockers commonly used to alleviate allergy symptoms are known to report weight gain as a possible side effect. Posted 8 years ago, 7 users are following. Meanwhile, a significant improvement in the Ham-D total. What side effects may I notice from Remeron? Conclusion: Mirtazapine affected my weight by increasing my appetite AND by some other means, probably slowing my metabolism and interfering with my fat burning process.

How to Move Out of a Dietary Rut
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How to Move Out of a Dietary Rut

The risks of a dietary rut

Easy ways to bust the dietary rut

  1.   Get variety elsewhere. A lot of grocery stores have a good number of healthy, prepared foods, and you can pay by the ounce. Prepare the protein at home (like fish or chicken) and buying the side dishes — vegetables, whole grains, or salads — to bring home. Make it something you wouldn’t normally eat.
  2.  Be adventurous. Try something unusual at least every other week. Make it yourself or get it from a restaurant. Caution: focus on vegetables or protein, and avoid anything with a lot of butter or cream. Need ideas? Pick a country and look up traditional dishes and recipes on the Internet.
  3.  Try a subscription meal kit. You choose the menu on a website, and the premeasured, fresh ingredients arrive at your door. Go for something with lots of vegetables and whole grains, and a chunk of protein. There are many meal kit services. Two of the biggest are Hello Fresh and Blue Apron. Prices per person, per meal, range from $10 to $12.
  4.  Cook in batches. Cook once or twice a week and eat leftovers in between. Make a large entree (like white bean soup), broil several chicken breasts, or cook a few side dishes (like brown rice, quinoa, or cooked spinach) that can be eaten throughout the week. It’s easier to cook 14 carrots in one day than two carrots per day for seven days in a row.
  5.  Get your kids in on it. They’ll be more inclined to eat it if they helped prepare it.

A few more tips