Eat. Love. Move.

Re-energize your life.

I have worked for big and small corporations throughout my career.  I remember the long hours, the stress and pressure, the monotony and boredom.  I offer services designed to help improve or maintain healthy minds and bodies for entire corporate teams, or one employee at a time.

I have devoted my life’s work to researching, learning, and developing proven ways to create a healthy mind and body.  My specialty is evaluating and designing therapeutic wellness packages to fit your budget and demand.

Corporate Group Seminars

Speaking/Training Series: The Eight Dimensions of Wellness

Emotional – Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships
Environmental – Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being
Financial – Satisfaction with current and future financial situations
Intellectual – Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills
Occupational – Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work
Physical – Recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods, and sleep
Social – Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system
Spiritual – Expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life

Casual Lunch N learn Wellness Conversations

Self Care – are You OK: What Do You Need?
Nutrition – What Is A Meal: Design nutrition filled meals from your favorites.
Metabolism – Give it A Boost
Caffeine – Choose Wisely

Corporate Publications

Monthly Wellness Topic Publication including Ask Kelle column/emails

Design and implement monthly correspondence vehicle to improve mental health and wellness education, as well as address employee problems.

Corporate Individual Counseling

Individual Employee Mental Wellness Counseling

Through psychotherapy we will identify your strengths and motivations, as well as what gets in the way to achieve mental wellness. Wellness counseling includes assessment and treatment to reach a balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health. We all need help managing the ups and downs of life every once in a while. Being aware and taking care of your mental and physical health needs can help you better understand yourself (and others!) and feel your best.

Individual Employee Wellness Coaching

Wellness Coaching can help with a variety of different health changes, including but not limited to the following: sleep, stress, weight Management, exercise, nutrition, self development, life satisfaction and time management relevant to mind and body health. If there is something related to health that is affecting a your ability to live life as you would like, Coaching will be able to work through those obstacles and help in the goal setting process to make the desired changes, no matter the subject.

The health and wellness of your team is just as important as how you generate profit.