ELM Individual Counseling


Kelle Greeson MA, LPCC, CWC

Kelle Greeson MA, LPCC, CWC


One Step At A Time
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Nature Heals
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Nature Heals

Nature Improves Psychological Well-Being

  • Nature helps in emotional regulation and improves memory functions. A study on the cognitive benefits of nature found that subjects who took a nature walk did better on a memory test than the subjects who walked down the urban streets (Berman, Jonides, Kaplan, 2008).
  • Nature walks benefit people suffering from depression (Shern et al., 2014). Studies had shown that people suffering from mild to major depressive disorders showed significant mood upliftments when exposed to nature. Not only that, but they also felt more motivated and energized to recover and get back to normalcy (Berman, Kross, Kaplan, 2012).
  • Recent investigations revealed that being outdoor reduces stress by lowering the stress hormone cortisol. Besides that, it also makes us immune to allied problems like hypertension and tachycardia (Lee J, 2011).
  • Nature walks and other outdoor activities build attention and focus (Hartig, 1991). There are pieces of evidence that indicate strong environmental connections to be related to better performance, heightened concentration, and reduced chances of developing Attention Deficit Disorder.
  • A study at the University of Kansas found that spending more time outdoors and less time with our electronic devices can increase our problem-solving skills and improve creative abilities.

The Importance of Nature to Well-Being

5 Ways to Apply the Positive Effects of Nature in Our Life

1. Walk more

2. Keep a nature journal

3. Spend some working hours outside

4. Plant at home

5. Balance the diet with more natural elements

A Take-Home Message:

Time to Revisit the Greek Concepts of Well Being
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I lost weight on remeron

But it wasn't just fat I had gained. But I want to get to 10% body fat and that’s hard on Mirt. I stopped to take them after 4 weeks and 24 pounds more weight! Stay healthy through tips curated by our health experts. But only after my anxi subsided. For some it may make it even worse as low doses tend to be more sedating, not less. I blaame my weight gain entirely on the increased appetite I had when I first started on mirtazapine, and not any change to my metabolism caused by the drug If I reduce my Remeron intake from 15mg to 7. :wave: I had been on Remeron for 5 months and had gained 35lb, It worked great in helpping me control my anxiety and panic attacks but i can not handle gainning the weight my self-esstem is at an all time low. I am not happy carrying around the extra stone however, and so have decided to diet I lost weight due to severe anxiety so allopurinol cost walmart my GP felt this med would help me regain some weight. In fact, it is often prescribed in cases where an individual's appetite has been handicapped from chemotherapy and other cancer treatments I lost weight with Remeron however. I can tell you that for myself, I am not diabetic but my mother is so I started eating like she does as a diabetic and in this resulted with some weight loss Try and get off the medication before you look for weight loss. I read more i lost weight on remeron about Remeron and some sources stated that the weight gain would decrease with increased dose. 5mg but down to 15mg the past few days Objective: Weight gain is a common side effect of psychotropic medications. I train a lot ah the gym so I’m still in shape. I have an eating disorder though - and lost a lot of weight during my first few months on it (because of my anorexia). I’m now on the low normal side and cannot seem to put on a pound.. The main problem is that Remeron is the #1 king daddy of weight gain antidepressants. That was with cutting my food intak down to 900 Calories a day I used to take 45mg Remeron years ago and it made me gain lots of weight which I could never get rid of. I was on it for PPd but I lost weight immediately For some people, easing depression causes weight gain because their appetites are revived. My concern was the health effect as well as the physical effect as it increases triglycerides etc. My weight has been steady now for two years. While Remeron is considered very effective for depression, somewhat less so for anxiety, it can cause both short and long term weight gain in a large number of users. You could try cutting back on sweet stuffs and comfort foods as you withdraw, then when you get of the drug you will gain confidence and be able to start a diet and move on. The doctor took me off the Remeron and has put me on Paxil. 5 mg for a year and tapered off recently as I couldn’t deal anymore with the weight gain. , posted by Rick on September 20, 2002, at 10:56:30. 5 45mg for a while and am now at 90mg. The weight gain stopped and I was able to loose the weight I had gained. Choose low-calorie foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, eat fiber-rich and slow-to-digest complex carbohydrates, and drink lots of. Been on this med close to 6 months and the weight gain is real (gained 10KG as of now). Results: The mean +/- SD body weight increased from 63. 75mg (quatree of a tablet) and then managed to come off completely for the last 2 weeks.. Starting to loose weight now and all those night time food cravings have fallen by the way side When I was on Remeron, I gained a lot of weight and ended up weighing more than I ever did in my life. Remeron (Mirtazapine) is a tetracyclic antidepressant (TeCA) drug that works primarily by i lost weight on remeron raising levels of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain. We have been working tirelessly trying to figure out the problem. Posted by chad_3 on September 22, 2002, at 2:37:34. During that time when I stepped on the scale it's either the weight is maintained or slightly increased Objective: Weight gain is a common side effect of psychotropic medications.

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Hopefully, this rocaltrol price per pill gained fat mass is generally easy to lose after discontinuation of Remeron. It makes Paxil look like a diet pill. My appetite increased but I needed it. It was never a struggle to lose weight before if I gained a little. I would just exercise, eat small meals and avoid food in between. Nothing took the weight off until I stopped Remeron Anyone here is on Remeron AKA Mirtazapine? He is on several other medications that have appetite suppression as a potential side effect so I can't attribute the loss solely to Remeron Just so you know, I also lost ALL of the weight in about an 8 week period. And I’m trying to lose some weight I used to take 45mg Remeron years ago and it made me gain lots of weight which I could never get rid of. I was wondering if anyone else has gainned weight. ) weight loss you might ask i lost weight on remeron your prescriber if a more weight neutral antidepressant would be more appropriate for you Rare (0. Did anyone else had similar experience, since I also gained weight when started using remeron. It may take time to reduce and come of the medications and doing both together may be counterproductive. Mirtazepine, like many other antidepressants, is more likely to cause weight gain but as you can see the majority of patients don't experience any weight change at all. Starting to loose weight now and all those night time food cravings have fallen by the way side I've been on it since sept last year - was on 15mg, went up to 45 mg art one stage. This is a great medicine for my anxiety but I have really struggled i lost weight on remeron with the weight gain caused only be the medicine. Yes it’s not easy, but it’s doable. Mirtazapine strongly stimulates appetite in many patients, so it is often helpful in treating elderly depressed patients who are losing too much weight. I was eating only 1,000 calories and day and doing vigorous exercise every morning for at least 30 minutes. Jun 20, 2013 #6 TreeHugger MyPTSD Pro I had to take Remeron too, and was almost "exploding". If your not eating you will not only loose weight,but you'll loose vitamins that will make you miserable I don’t mind the sedating effect. Talk to your doctor if your weight loss is a problem The really negative side of effect for this is the weight gain. Psychologist’s Reply Remeron typically has weight gain as a side effect. Even my face was bloated with water Did anyone else had similar experience, since I also gained weight when started using remeron.

How to Move Out of a Dietary Rut
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How to Move Out of a Dietary Rut

The risks of a dietary rut

Easy ways to bust the dietary rut

  1.   Get variety elsewhere. A lot of grocery stores have a good number of healthy, prepared foods, and you can pay by the ounce. Prepare the protein at home (like fish or chicken) and buying the side dishes — vegetables, whole grains, or salads — to bring home. Make it something you wouldn’t normally eat.
  2.  Be adventurous. Try something unusual at least every other week. Make it yourself or get it from a restaurant. Caution: focus on vegetables or protein, and avoid anything with a lot of butter or cream. Need ideas? Pick a country and look up traditional dishes and recipes on the Internet.
  3.  Try a subscription meal kit. You choose the menu on a website, and the premeasured, fresh ingredients arrive at your door. Go for something with lots of vegetables and whole grains, and a chunk of protein. There are many meal kit services. Two of the biggest are Hello Fresh and Blue Apron. Prices per person, per meal, range from $10 to $12.
  4.  Cook in batches. Cook once or twice a week and eat leftovers in between. Make a large entree (like white bean soup), broil several chicken breasts, or cook a few side dishes (like brown rice, quinoa, or cooked spinach) that can be eaten throughout the week. It’s easier to cook 14 carrots in one day than two carrots per day for seven days in a row.
  5.  Get your kids in on it. They’ll be more inclined to eat it if they helped prepare it.

A few more tips