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How to find lifelong health through our work.

The occupational dimension of wellness recognizes personal satisfaction and enrichment in our life through work. At the core is our attitude about the work we do. Occupational Wellness includes, contributing our unique gifts, skills, and talents to work that is both personally meaningful and rewarding.

You’ll convey your values through your involvement in activities that are gratifying for you. The choice of profession, job satisfaction, career ambitions, and personal performance are all important components of your work path.

It is better to choose a career which is consistent with our personal values, interests, and beliefs than to select onethat is unrewarding to us.

It is better to develop functional, transferable skillsthrough structured involvement opportunities than to remain inactive and uninvolved.


Quick Tips to improve your Occupational Wellness today:


Take a break!

Taking breaks actually improves job performance, and it also helps reduce overall work stress. Just a few five-minute breaks scattered throughout the day can help strengthen mental focus and clarity. Get up from your desk, stretch, chat with a coworker and walk around the office for a minute. Do a short meditation to clear your mind and refocus your energies.


Make a list, and be realistic.

Use simple time management techniques to reduce stress and improve your ability to get work done. One simple time management tool that will help you keep track of daily tasks is the to-do list. Place items on the list in order of importance, and make sure to give yourself some breathing room.


Organize your workspace.

A clean, neat and organized workspace makes it much easier to keep track of everything that is going on, reducing feelings of anxiety. If you can’t find something you need or you’re sitting in a big pile of clutter, you’re much more likely to feel frustrated and overwhelmed. Instead, take the time to regularly clear your workspace for maximum usage and minimum annoyance.


Take a class.

If you’re considering changing careers, or if you just want to sharpen your skills for your current job, signing up for a class is a great place to start. Learning more about what you’re doing will help you feel more comfortable and effective at work, and it may land you a promotion. The more you explore your dreams in the classroom, the more freedom you’ll have to move in the direction of your dreams in real life!


Set mini-goals.

Everyone has big dreams and aspirations, but setting mini-goals at work will help you get through your days. When you set a mini-goal like, “I’m going to finish these reports by noon,” you turn work into a game. Sure, you’ll still need to focus on quality, but these benchmarks are just for fun and motivation. If you don’t finish the reports by noon, it’s no harm, no foul. If you make it, it’ll be like winning a race.


Occupational wellness is also the ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure in a way that promotes health, a sense of personal satisfaction and is (for most people) financially rewarding. Our attitude and ability to effectively deal with work, school, and career goals greatly affect wellness, performance, interactions with others and overall success.

On the ELM Mental Wellness path, you’ll be able to look at the larger picture, make decisions, take actions and take responsibility for your choices. Staying focused on achieving a proper balance between the dimensions of wellness (includes all aspects of your life) will serve you well. Good health, attitude, relationships, personal satisfaction and proper balance help you produce and project your best performance.



Be well,

Kelle Greeson, LPCC, CWC

About Kelle Greeson, MA, LPCC, CWC

Kelle Greeson is a psychotherapist, researcher, author and lecturer in the area of treatment for mental health disorders and wellness counseling.

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