
What Wellness Can Teach You about Quality and Longevity of Life

health, mental health, therapy, Uncategorized, wellness

Have you thought about how long you will live, how you want to live, and how healthy and spirited your life will be while living it?

Initiating a Wellness Lifestyle can be challenging, but finding the right information, the right support and resource can help you get there.

I’m Kelle Greeson, Psychotherapist, Certified Wellness Counselor, and member of the National Wellness Institute.  Over the next 6 months I will introduce you to the Interdependent Model of Wellness (referred to as the 6 Dimensions of Wellness).  Each month will include one dimension to highlight: The definition and description, what are some setbacks or factors that get in the way, suggestions to apply for improvement including a checklist to print, and local resource (s).

A person is more than one’s body.  Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.  My hope is to help you begin to recognize and address yourself as whole person.

ELM Mental Wellness provides in depth assessment, goal setting and treatment plan, intervention application, encouragement and support to achieve and complete plan.  We all need help managing the ups and downs of life every once in a while. Being aware and taking care of your mental and physical health needs can help you better understand yourself (and others!) and feel your best.